Oddmall Recovery//Back to the Grindstone
Michael MacWolff
This is a thing, right?
So my extended hiatus was primarily due to having Oddmall this past weekend, one of my biggest vending events of the year! It went swimmingly, aside from having more crap than usual and therefore taking longer to set up than anticipated. But I made more money than I have at any single event in my tenure so that was exciting!
Here you see my convention partner (mom) with our lovely setup! I had all of my usual items including MtG life counters; buttons steampunk airships, weapons and jewelry; ties & bow ties; along with a new venture using the same fabric: headbands! It was an idea I got while teaching sewing lessons; we made a few there and I realized we could just as easily make them reversible, and I could use all of the leftover fabric from my ties, as there's always odd shapes leftover that are hard to use for anything sizable. Additional ventures include some Luna Lovegood inspired lion hats (which were much admired but not purchased), continued forays into the world of crocheting adorable little characters, which I focused on cute magnanimous ones over the specific characters I usually do. Though I did make an entire team RWBY which sold all together, and someone actually bought the little Aang I had too. But most popular were the Soot Sprites, Calcifers, and most of all the BB-8s.
I also finally have a much more legitimate sign that I didn't just do a 4th grade-style pencil rubbing on the front of my life counter carrying case... It even has some pretty tartan on it!
And of course for an event like this, there's still plenty of costuming going on! As usual for my vending events, I went steampunk, with a little flair of Star Wars this time around. And my neighbors were awesome, and the guy decided to come back as the guy from Clockwork Orange on Sunday.
So now that all of that's over with and I can go back to focusing on the whole cosplay thing, here's what I've got going on.
First and foremost, I finished both of the items you saw in progress last time (you know, 3 weeks ago when I actually posted something last).
Both items are now with their respective owners and I'm moving on to the 15 new things I need to have done before Colossalcon. Oh boy. Here's the list:
Auron's katana (FFX)
Klaus' Gauntlet & Knuckles (Blood Blockade)
Goku's Power PoleCarrier (Dragonball)
Another Blunderbuss (Bloodborne)
Sakura's Bloom Festal (FE:fates)
Oh yeah, and if by some miracle I get all of this done early, I have someone who want's Takumi's Bow...
Not to mention the Team Avatar that I'm going to be doing with Jordan and a group of cousins, for which I still need to make Book 3 Aang and Zuko. Thank god Aang's outfit is just a pair of pants with some fabric draped over his shoulders... and Zuko's involves a lot of fancy little details... FML
So, this is what you can expect from me this coming month... and if you're not hearing from me, I'm probably stuck underneath a pile of worbla, so maybe send help.