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Filtering by Tag: christmas


Michael MacWolff

I hope everyone has been having a lovely holiday season! Sonce Christmas is this week I wanted to share some fun holiday photos with all of you!

I’ve made it a bit of a tradition over the last few years to try to do some sort of holiday cosplay photos and things keep getting more serious as I get better ideas and more elaborate with it. Let’s take a quick stroll through the last two years…

Phoenix, what are you doing? WRIGHT GIVE ME THE CAMERA!

Phoenix, what are you doing?

2016 was kind of a last-minute decision so I had to use stuff I already had lying around. If my Phoenix didn’t live a couple states away you can be sure we would have taken some beautiful photos together but alas. The next time he comes to visit, however, I might just make him do it, regardless of what time of year it is.


2017 took a bit more setup than just putting a santa hat on an existing cosplay and taking a selfie. Since last year was The Year of the Magical Creature for me, it seemed appropriate to let them all help with the decorating,. I also co-opted Ashnard’s cape that fits the holiday aesthetic perfectly without the spiky shoulder pauldrons on it. And voila, we have a beastly magical christmas.

Now most of you already know this, but I play the flute in a volunteer christmas concert every year in Peninsula, so I’m used to dressing up for this sort of thing anyway. We always perform as elves and I finally got off my lazy butt and made my own costume pieces for it. I also finally got to use the ears I initially bought for a certain Hylian that I have yet to cosplay…

Featuring Deb & Kathie, two of my fellow musical elves.

Featuring Deb & Kathie, two of my fellow musical elves.

The top half has become my standard christmas attire, regardless of wheather I’m trying to look overly elfish or not.

And at last that brings us to MDC 2018, which I’m sure many of you already have some idea just from the title of today’s post…

SHAKALA! Koroks love to celebrate the seasons too! And I heard humans decorate a tree with lights and ornaments for their winter festivities. Since I’m related to trees I thought it would be fun to decorate myself! Sometimes the ornaments fall off w…

SHAKALA! Koroks love to celebrate the seasons too! And I heard humans decorate a tree with lights and ornaments for their winter festivities. Since I’m related to trees I thought it would be fun to decorate myself! Sometimes the ornaments fall off when I dance around though…

From my family to yours, I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a fantastic start to the new year!

Hark the Herald Phoenixes Sing

Michael MacWolff

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!


I enlisted the help of my magical critters to help decorate this year. Some were more helpful than others...


My occamy was quite adept at hanging ornaments on the tree, but the niffler kept getting distracted by shiny things. I'm pretty sure a few of my ornaments have disappeared into his pouch.


And my puffskein seems to have been mesmerized by the lights, I have no idea why he feels compelled to lick all of them but he is a bit of an oddball.


From my magical family to yours, I hope the season bring much light, peace, comfort, and joy!

Merry Christmas from MDC

Michael MacWolff

Hello my loves. I must apologize for my lack of updates and blog entries this month. With the swiftly approaching holiday, my etsy store has seen more traffic than ever before, which is very exciting and also exhausting. Unfortunately it also means I've literally done no cosplay work in the entire month of December, for my secret cosplay or otherwise. It's going to be a crunch getting everything I'm hoping to have done for Ohayocon this January, but I'm confident things will work out just fine.

Anyway, while I haven't got any real cosplay progress to show you guys, I do have some fun nerdy things related to the holiday, even if they're not strictly cosplay related.
The year before last I gave my husband a pair of fleece pajama pants that were designed after Unit 01's legs.

While I generally hate making pants, these were actually a lot of fun, though I did have to adjust the length when we discovered they didn't fit quite right. Well, this year he's finally completing the Evangelion Unit with this matching hoodie.

It took almost a full week worth of work while he was out of the house to finish this thing, but it's finally done and I'm super happy with how it turned out. SOme day maybe I'll make myself a matching Unit 02 outfit but right now I don't have time for that >_<

Also, in the spirit of the season and with the new Star Wars movie coming out (don't worry, I won't have any spoilers on here or anywhere else until at least after New Years, if ever), I decided to craft some special decorations for our Christmas party.

This Star Destroyer got the classic Rudolph car treatment. Let's hope they don't fall off when they go into hyperspace.

This Star Destroyer got the classic Rudolph car treatment. Let's hope they don't fall off when they go into hyperspace.

Nien Nunb and these Jawas are certainly enjoying the snow that we're not actually getting here in Ohio.

Nien Nunb and these Jawas are certainly enjoying the snow that we're not actually getting here in Ohio.

Even Vader and Palpatine are getting into the spirit! That Stormtrooper doesn't look like he's helping very much though.

Even Vader and Palpatine are getting into the spirit! That Stormtrooper doesn't look like he's helping very much though.

This festive Tusken Raider is leading Rufus, Rudolph's distant....very very distant cousin.

This festive Tusken Raider is leading Rufus, Rudolph's distant....very very distant cousin.

These Imperial officers are helping decorate the Sarlacc. Hopefully they don't get too close...

These Imperial officers are helping decorate the Sarlacc. Hopefully they don't get too close...

Momaw Nadon and Yoda are exchanging some gifts, with the help of the Force.

Momaw Nadon and Yoda are exchanging some gifts, with the help of the Force.

That awkward moment when you realize you're wearing the same sweater as Jabba the Hutt...

That awkward moment when you realize you're wearing the same sweater as Jabba the Hutt...

Hope you enjoyed the festivities! That's about all for now, I imagine it'll be January before I have anything more useful to contribute here, but I hope you all enjoy your holidays! Much love from Mikey Does Cosplay!

"Wright, give me the camera. I refuse to let you take a picture of me in this RIDICULOUS hat. Wright, give me the camera. WRIGHT."

"Wright, give me the camera. I refuse to let you take a picture of me in this RIDICULOUS hat. Wright, give me the camera. WRIGHT."