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Here's where the magic happens. I'll be posting about all of my experiences and experiments (both failed and successful ones), introducing you to my costumes, sharing fun stories, linking tutorials and useful products, and who knows what else!


Filtering by Tag: site updates

Back from the Dead (But not really)

Michael MacWolff

Hey fam, it’s time for a long-overdue welcome back to my site! I know the pandemic & quarantine have hit a lot of us hard, and I’m thankful that my family and I have stayed safe and healthy through it, and the few folks in our circle that did get it didn’t have any major complications. That said, my motivation to do much of anything cosplay related was definitely at an all-time low, which is part of why it’s been so long since I’ve done much in the way of updating my site here.

But things are looking up! I’ve gotten my first dose of vaccine and while conventions still won’t be happening for a while the spring weather has definitely lifted my spirits! I don’t exactly have any solid cosplay plans for the near future, but I have been working on a number of other projects, and I’ve even had a couple of commissions that I’m looking forward to sharing with all of you in the coming weeks.

For today, however, I mostly wanted to point out a few new things happening around the site and as per usual, direct you all to my instagram where you can see all the stuff I’ve been making during quarantine.

First off, for those of you who like cool, weird, whimsical creatures, you should check out my Cryptobiology page!

Augury 1.jpeg
paolumu  3.jpeg

The page is an ever-expanding field guide to magical creatures from a variety of fandoms, mythology, folklore, and even some from my own imagination. There you’re find photos of these lovely beasties as well as a collection of information about each species. Generally speaking, I will be posting one new creature every 1-2 weeks on Monday, doing a creature feature on my instagram under the hashtag #magicalmenageriemonday.

Second, while I don’t have any new cosplays to show you, I did finally update my Prop Gallery to include a bunch of cool items I’ve made over the last couple of years and failed to add to the gallery since, so if you’re just hoping to see a bunch of cool cosplay props like these without me talking at you, go check out the Prop Gallery.


Last up is my plan for a series of blog posts on here about my only recent costume, an OC mage of mine whose outfits I’ve been mulling over for a while. Next week will be the first one to show off his new(ish) outfit, and I’d like to do a few supplemental posts about some of the magical objects he has, as well as some other info about the character. I hope you all enjoy learning about him!
And here’s a sneak preview to hold you all over until then ~_^


That’s all you get to see now, you’ll have to wait until next week to see the rest! Until then, stay safe and enjoy the newly-arrived springtime!

Site Updates and Such

Michael MacWolff

Hey everyone, just a quick update today with a few changes/updates/etc.

Character Compendium

I have a new section on the site that lets you look through my cosplays by character, and then when you click on the picture, it'll give you all of the photos in my gallery of that particular cosplay. I like organization so I'm pretty pumped about it. Here's where you can find the Character Compendium on the main page, and I'll also put a link to it here.

2017-11-07 (1)_LI.jpg

Mikey's on Instagram!

This is just another friendly reminder that I'm on Instagram now! I've been doing better lately of posting photos on there than I am on Twitter, and I like the format a bit better. If you're looking for more cosplay and less inane fandom junk, my instagram account is the way to go, so follow me @mikeydoescosplay!

Because I've been, and hope to continue to be, more active on instagram, and I'm using it exclusively for cosplay-related stuff, I added a media block on my home page that shows all of my most recent posts. You can find it just above my social media links on the home page. I'd love to hear opinions on the block, if you think it's worth it or if it just clogs things up too much. If you have any input please let me know!

Post Regularity

Ok so I know I've said this a million times so you probably don't believe me, but I'm doing my best to have more regular posts on my blog here! i will be keeping my regular WIP updates mostly on Instagram, and then making a full post when the prop/costume is actually finished, so it's not too broken up if you're trying to more or less recreate my methods. However, there will be a lot more in-between posts on a much more regular basis than I have been doing.

I'm bringing Throwback Thursday back since I realized there's a decent number of cosplays I made before I started this site, and I haven't done posts about them yet. You can expect to see one every two weeks with the first one posting on Nov 23rd. I'm being a lot more proactive about my blogging and have several posts put together that'll go out on schedule. I'm hoping this will get me into better posting habits, but we'll see. If nothing else, it will actually mean there's going to be more consistent posting on here so that's a good thing!
I'm also going to be doing a weekly throwback photo on my Instagram account so keep an eye on that too!

I'm hoping to have instate a monthly Materials Monday post, starting in December. I've already started putting together the first post so with any luck I'll keep that rolling!

Mikey Gets His Shit Together (maybe)

Michael MacWolff

Hello my dahlings! Today's installment is probably not going to be the most exciting if you're just here to look at pretty photos of cosplay (but maybe if you stick around until the end you'll be rewarded).
Today, Mikey is here to tell you he's trying to overhaul his online presence. I know my posts on here have been super inconsistent because that's pretty much how my life works, but I'd like to work towards a more steady flow of content for all of my lovely followers out there, and feel some responsibility to do so purely for you guys, and also because I'm on that top cosplay blog list so I figure I should at least try to life up to that. Anyway, here's my general plan, I'll try to keep it simple.

  • More consistent blog posts

Ok I know that sounds super obvious, but it's my step 1. I want to get better at posting more consistently so I'm trying to implement an actual posting schedule. At this point I'm optimistically hoping I can do at least one post a week. One of the ways I'm intending to do that is by having a regular rotation of posts that are not directly related to what I'm working on at the moment. Here's my general monthly schedule idea:

  • Materials Monday: A new monthly post about a specific material I use a lot in my props and/or cosplay. I do have a page in my Help Desk which is specifically about materials here, but I thought it would be good to have some blog posts highlighting stuff I use all the time.
  • Throwback Thursday: Those of you who've been around since the beginning remember when 3/4 of the content in this blog was me going through old costumes for TBT. Well, I want to bring this tradition back and hopefully I have enough cosplays I haven't already done a throwback post for to keep it going. You can hopefully expect this once a month, depending on how many old cosplays I even have stashed away.
  • Fotoshoot Friday: Ok the "f" on the front there is pushing it, but the idea here is to motivate myself to actually wear my cosplays more frequently and do photoshoots with them. Given the time commitment and the necessity that my husband (or someone else willing to come be my photographer), this will likely be at most a monthly, but more likely a bi-monthly installment. This is probably the thing I'm looking forward to most in all of this :-D
  • WIP Wednesdays: They won't always be on wednesdays, but to round out the weekly posts, I will be doing my best to post progress of my current projects more frequently than I do now because I'm really bad at that. Hopefully getting into this habit will also mean I get better at taking periodic progress photos too. Let's all keep our fingers crossed.
  • Tutorial Tuesday: Don't worry, these won't generally be my tutorials. We all know how bad I am at explaining things most of the time, but if I don't have much else to post about I plan to highlight one of the useful tutorials I've used for my cosplays. And of course there's always the tutorials section on my Help Desk page.


  • Site Updates

I'm hoping to get a lot more content on the site in general. Here's the general plan:

  • Help Desk: I want to expand my help desk with more materials & tutorials for all of you out there who use my site to help them create their own awesome cosplays. Fortunately the "Inspiration" section is constantly growing as I find more awesome costume photos on pinterest, and the "Warm Fuzzies" section is just full of things to make you feel good. Mostly adorable animals.
  • Mikey's Words of Wisdom: Ok, this sounds cheesy, but I wanted to put something simple and goofy on my main page that was also helpful. So when I occasionally have insights into things, I'll change the "Words of Wisdom" section. The first one is up now, so go take a look at my home page and see if you can find it. Follow the link in the title for more detail about said words of wisdom.


  • Mikey Points

Ok, so I've toyed around with this idea for a little while, and I want to actually implement it for real. I want to have some sort of a reward system for people who visit my site/FB page.

  • Earning MP: You'll have periodic opportunities to earn yourself some MP both here and on facebook. In order to earn your points, you may have to be the first person to answer a silly fandom trivia question, identify an obscure cosplay, or otherwise participate in activities related to my site.
  • I'll keep a log of everyone who's collected MP, and how much they have. My intention is to put together a new page where all of that info is kept together, so that if you start to earn some points, you can actually see how many you have at any given time, without having to ask me.
  • In order to qualify for earning MP, you need to be willing to give me a name of some sort that I can connect back to you, if you decide to redeem your points. It can be a screen name or your actual name, it makes no difference to me, it's simply something I can have displayed on the new page so we can all keep track of our points.
  • If you'd like to redeem your points, you need to be willing to share your address, as most of the redeemable prizes will be physical objects that I'd send you. There may be digital prizes as well, in which case I would need an email. I will never give your information away, and I only need it in the event that you redeem your points for something.
  • Prizes: You've waited long enough, let's talk about the prizes! Mostly it'll be things related to my etsy store. If you earn enough points you can get things like crocheted amigurumi, bow ties, or even gift certificates for my etsy shop! The new page I set up will have a section dedicated to redeemable prizes. Stay tuned for that.
    Since I'm implementing this new system, let's have our first giveaway now! Here's a little piece of fandom trivia for you to answer:

The first three people to correctly identify these two characters will win themselves 50 MP!

Since this is trivia, and publicly posting the correct answer will make it way too easy for the rest of the people trying to guess it, please send your answers using the "Contact Us" form on the site header.
Please include your name in your message, so I know who to give the points to!

That's all for now, thanks for stopping in, and good luck collecting your Mikey Points!