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Here's where the magic happens. I'll be posting about all of my experiences and experiments (both failed and successful ones), introducing you to my costumes, sharing fun stories, linking tutorials and useful products, and who knows what else!


Filtering by Tag: tsume

Take Me to Paradise

Michael MacWolff

After showing off my first wolfish cosplay last week, I thought i'd stick with the theme and go with my other canine character: Tsume from Wolf's Rain.


I remember watching Wolf's Rain when I was a kid. I honestly don't even remember how I found it, I think it was one of the random assortment of things my local library had in their tiny anime section. Regardless, I really enjoyed it and it stuck with me. So naturally, when some of my closest con friends started planning a WR group, I jumped at the opportunity.

Making Tsume was interesting, as I've never really made a jacket quite like that before. Fortunately I found something that was about the right shape in my forays to the thrift store so I had a pretty easy time coming up with the pattern for it. The vinyl I used was... kinda cheap to be quite honest XD But it worked well for the project so whatever.

Obviously the best thing about wearing the costume was the fact that I we had a full group of wolves, and it was all of y favorite people to hang out with at cons already anyway! But even more exciting was that we met a Blue (the only canine main character we didn't have) at the con, and made a new friend!


It wassuper fun just hanging out, and we got a good bit of attention for being a big group, and cosplaying something you hardly ever see. We also took advantage of a vacant spot outside the convention center to get some nice photos.


And of course whenever we get together, goofiness ensues...


Hige, you can eat all the gross hot dogs you want, some of us have actual taste.

I'm hoping to wear this again some time soon, cause it's a fun cosplay. Maybe we can get the whole pack together again!


Michael MacWolff

Well Matsuricon was this weekend, along with a Steampunk Soiree up at the Massillon Museum so needless to say I've been running/driving around Ohio like a madman for the past two days. It was totally worth it though, because I won't be able to satisfy my con fix again until Ohayo next year D-:

The definitely highlight of the weekend was spending most of Friday with my pack from Wolf's Rain. We even had one more that we were anticipating with was amazing! I wish that happened more often cause now we have new con friend! 

Obligatory pack selfie

Obligatory pack selfie

Thanks to me being the tallest/having the longest arms in the group, I have the selfie we took, but sadly don't have too many other photos on my phone as Kiba has the better camera and consequently has most of the photos. Thankfully a few are already on facebook so I'll share those ones, and I'm sure you'll be seeing more in the next few days.

hige & blue

Those last 3 photos were all courtesy of WOLF Cosplay. We also have some goofy ones that I can't wait to see, and possibly a video that caused a passerby to do a double take as we were filming it so I'm excited to see some more of her stuff from this photoshoot!

Saturday I took Oliver from Ni No Kuni, since he's a pretty easy cosplay to get into & out of and I love all of the props I made for it and so of course I wanted to show them off! Which of course the only photos I have are of the props, cause of courseI didn't get any of myself when I was wearing Oliver since I'm a goofball who forgot to ask anyone to get a picture of me with my phone... *facepalm* But anyway, you can check out the cool props at least XD

I will admit, I did some of my best personal prop work on my Ni No Kuni stuff.

And that's pretty much it for my cosplay this weekend. My phone was constantly dying so I didn't take a ton of photos in an attempt to conserve battery life, but here are the few that I did.

This awesome Borderlands cosplayer is the beautiful and talented Drop Dead Meg

This awesome Borderlands cosplayer is the beautiful and talented Drop Dead Meg