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Michael MacWolff


Cryptologic Name: Caelinens fucus
Planar Origin
: Ggias
Habitat: Varied
Diet: Herbivore

Squirts are the smallest member of the caelinens genus, often referred to as “windbags.” These creatures have teardrop-shaped bodies with strong, flexible tails. Their skin is black and transitions to blue toward the tail tip. They generally have large blue eyes, bright orange markings on their heads, and two small appendages that resemble stubby arms.

Magical Abilities
Squirts have limited magical abilities on their own, beyond their ability to float effortlessly through the air. They do, however, produce a liquid secretion from ducts at the end of their tails that is a potent restorative liquid, often used in advanced healing potions, or diluted and ingested on its own to induce stimulate the healing of damaged tissues.

Squirts are one of three species collectively referred to as “windbags,” and all three species live together in colonies and function as a unit. Squirts function as food gatherers and scouts, similar to drones n a beehive. They will use their flexible tails to gather fruits, flowers, and vegetation, eat it, and then produce their special liquid secretion (often referred to as “squirt extract”) to feed the other members of their colony. The second species, C. artifex, known as “gasfellas,” are the workers of the colony. They are larger and stronger, with developed appendages allowing them to build structures to support their colony, as well as defending it from harm. The final species, C. regno, also known as “scumbags,” are equivalent to queens in the hive analogy. Most colonies only have 2-3 scumbags and they will generally direct the other species in their daily tasks, as well as consuming any waste material to keep the colony tidy (hence where they earned their common name). This does seem to provide some sustenance for them but they also ingest the squirt’s extract along with the gasfellas. Scumbags are the only creatures that can reproduce, and will spawn members of all three species to suit the colony’s needs. While this suggests, from a biological standpoint, that they are all a single species, because they are magical in nature the rules are a touch fuzzier.

Field Notes

  • These strange creatures are a relatively recent discovery and as such I don’t have much experience with them yet, however I did discover a local colony and am working to develop a relationship with them. They are fairly intelligent creatures and while they cannot speak we’re starting to develop a rapport and I’m hoping to develop a way of communicating with them. There is a particular squirt who seems to have taken a liking to me when I bring offerings of food and will often follow me around whenever I go exploring in their forest.