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Michael MacWolff

vigorwasp 5.JPG

Cryptologic Name: R. renovespa
Planar Origin
: Repens
Habitat: Jungle
Diet: Herbivorous

Appearance & Morphology
The vigorwasp is a large, fuzzy wasp species with bright gold and black coloring on its legs and abdomen. Like other hymenopterid species, there are morphological differences between wasps with different roles within their hive, which are divided into three categories, known as castes. The queen is the only egg-laying individual of the hive, and is significantly larger than the rest, sporting a long abdomen with several openings out of which her eggs are laid. Worker drones are much smaller and are the only individuals which possess stingers for protecting the hive. Lastly, the nurses are larger in size than the drones and can often be seen carrying a large sac of bright green liquid.

Behavior & Magical Abilities
Of the three categories, the vigorwasp nurses are the most sought-after and arguably most important individuals in their social structure, as they provide food for the entire hive. They produce a bright green liquid commonly referred to as “vitality nectar,” which is secreted into a bubble on the underside of the wasp. Aside from being the sole food source for the rest of the hive (the maids feed primarily on nectar and tree sap for their own nourishment), this liquid has potent healing properties. On its own it can be applied to wounds to heal damaged muscle and skin, or brewed into more potent healing potions and salves with a variety of effects.

Field Notes

  • Vigorwasps are the only species known to have three distinct casts, all other eusocial species of bees and wasps only have two: queens and drones. The “nurse” caste specific to this species was named thus because of the healing properties of their vitality nectar.

  • Because of the importance of the vitality nectar in sustaining the hive, it can only be gathered in small amounts without risking the health of the hive. This is not dissimilar from beekeepers leaving a portion of the honey for their bees’ consumption.