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Filtering by Tag: arcwhale


Michael MacWolff

Arcwhale 1.jpeg

Cryptologic Name: Falaptera s.
Planar Origin
: Mithyrea
Habitat: Upper atmosphere
Diet: Somnivore (see “magical abilities” below)

Appearance & Morphology
Arcwhales are, simply put, whales with pairs of feathered wings on their backs, extending out near their dorsal fins. There are a variety of arcwhale species, each resembling a species of their aquatic counterparts.

Magical Abilities
Arcwhales have a variety of magical abilities common across their different species. First, arcwhales naturally float in the air by magical means, meaning they are never earthbound even when they are born. These creatures seem to have an organ akin to a fish’s swim bladder, which allows them to control their altitude in the atmosphere. In addition to their floating, arcwhales causes water in the air around them to condense, meaning that they are always surrounded by a dense cloud.

Lastly, arcwhales are somnivores, or “dream eaters,” meaning they subsist on energy absorbed from the dreams of other living creatures. It is generally believed that nightmares are more potent (i.e. have greater energy potential), and as such are often siphoned off by the archwhales, over pleasant/peaceful dreams. As such, many consider these creatures to be naturally occurring dreamcatchers, which are generally crafted to produce the same effects.

While arcwhales’ wings are not large or powerful enough to keep these massive creatures aloft, they do help propel the creatures forward as they float through the sky and their flippers and tails are used to help steer.

Because their food source is more widely available at night, arcwhales are generally considered to be nocturnal creatures. This is only partially accurate because arcwhales don’t sleep, though they are less active during the day, floating lazily in the upper atmosphere. In the evening, they will venture lower so they can more easily siphon dream energy from sleeping creatures, usually returning to greater altitudes by mid morning.

Field Notes

  • If you ever notice heavy fog in your neighborhood after dark, there is a good chance the arcwhales are about and you can expect good dreams, assuming you’re on a normal sleep schedule. This isn’t a guarantee, however, since fog does occur naturally under the right conditions.

  • While the true origins of most magical creatures are unknown, myth and legend surround many, including the arcwhale. It is said that the ancient whales envied the birds that soared the skies, and would dream of taking flight with their avian companions. No creature wished more for this than Rakhnam, King of the Whales, and each night he would absorb the dreams of his pod until one night his spirit grew wings of light and he soared up into the sky, never again to be bound by the watery seas.