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Filtering by Tag: forest spirits


Michael MacWolff

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Cryptologic Name: Silva facifolium
Planar Origin
: Hylia
Habitat: A variety of natural areas
Diet: Primarily photosynthetic, secondarily herbivorous

Appearance & Morphology
Koroks are small creatures with skin colored and textured much like tree bark. Their most distinctive feature is the leaf mask which they wear over their faces. Koroks cut small shapes and patterns into their masks so each one is unique, and often reveals something about the personality of the individual.

Magical Abilities
Koroks, like many creatures of advanced intelligence, have the capacity to learn magic, much like human mages do. Their preferred area of study tends to be illusion and nature-based magic, as they fit well with their own lifestyle and inherent magical abilities, but many also enjoy learning conjuring and elemental magic.

As far as their natural abilities, they can become invisible when touching any living plant. Secondly, they are able to sense the thoughts and feelings of trees. We generally have to take this ability at the koroks’ word, as humans have yet to develop any sort of magic which allows them to communicate with non-sentient plant life. Lastly, they have a special magical ritual that, when performed with a group of koroks, can cause a tree to produce seeds.


While they have a range of personalities as diverse as humanity, many koroks tend to have a playful and inquisitive nature. They tend to enjoy finding patterns in the mundane and will often use their magic to create such patterns for others to find.

Koroks are born from the buds of deku trees, a unique and powerful type of tree. native to the plane of Hylia. They have a strong magical bond with their parent tree, though the nature of that bond is not entirely understood. It seems to be, at least in part, the source of their magic. Koroks are also known for their desire to explore, and many koroks go on journeys at some point in their lives to find unique places in their world and beyond. Often koroks will take some of the seeds from their parent tree on their journey and find special places to plant them. They are often drawn to places in nature with unique patterns, which often correspond to natural leylines of energy, and as such are both magically potent and aesthetically interesting. When others find these special places, if the korok is still hiding nearby, he might reveal himself and offer one of his tree’s seeds to the lucky person.

Field Notes

  • Koroks originated on the plane of Hylia, and the first koroks were born from the Great Deku Tree, a unique and powerful being venerated on that plane. Koroks now live on countless planes thanks in no small part to their wanderlust. It is somewhat unclear why most deku trees planted.

  • The ritual to cause trees to magically seed appears to be the only way that deku trees can reproduce, as they never produce flowers to reproduce sexually. It is also unclear why deku trees take on different characteristics when planted on planes outside of hylia. On their native plane, deku trees are sentient and can speak, but deku trees grown on our own plane are not.