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Filtering by Tag: magical lagomorph


Michael MacWolff

tammer 2.jpeg

Cryptologic Name: Oryctolagus voluns
Planar Origin
: Mithyrea
Habitat: Temperate forests and prarieland
Diet: Herbivore; prefers wildflowers

The tammer is physiologically very similar to the common jackrabbit with a few distinctive additions: they have long tails with tufted ends, wings on their backs, and marsupial-like pouches on their bellies. Their colors and patterns vary but most commonly they are white, tan, black and/or brown. These creatures are quite agile both on land and in the air.

Magical Abilities
Tammers are one member of a trio of magical lagomorphs (rabbits) including the woltperinger and the jackalope. These three creatures are interrelated, but each species has distinct magical abilities. Tammers have the unique ability to locate and teleport to any individual on Earth by using a special item associated with that person, which cryptozoologists refer to as a ‘token.’ By placing this token in their pouch, they can travel instantly to their targets.

The token has rather specific qualifications to be useful for the tammer. The item must be a gift given by the intended target to another. The connection is most potent when the token is something given by the target to the sender, however it seems to work even if the individual sending the tammer was not the recipient of said gift.

It should be noted that tammers can also locate and travel to individuals with whom they’ve bonded without needing to use a token. As such they work well as delivery creatures for large families because each member of the family can bond with the tammer and thus the creature can travel freely between everyone without needing tokens.

A tammer’s teleportation ability is also unique in that it functions in a fundamentally different way than apparition; as such tammers can teleport to locations where most magical travel isn’t possible. There are barriers that can keep tammers out, but they are more sophisticated than most commonly used protection spells. This posed a particular problem in early wizarding prisons as random objects, weapons, and the like would occasionally appear in inmates’ cells without explanation.

Highly intelligent compared to their nonmagical, and even their related magical rabbit species, the tammer can understand human speech when trained. Though their vocal chords do not allow them to speak. Many mages who have tammers as companions and/or delivery animals will train them to use bodily signals, such as the raising and lowering of ears, flexing of wings, etc. to communicate.

Field Notes

  • Before the implementation of the Owl Post system, tammers were much more widely used as delivery animals. They were very efficient at making deliveries, assuming you had something that would function as a token. Because the tammer teleports, rather than flying to their destination, they can transport a variety of objects that would be too large for owls. In addition, they are impossible to track by ordinary means as owls and other delivery birds are. The main drawback and reason that tammers are not as widely used today is because of the token qualifications required for their magic to work. For owls to make deliveries, all that is required is an address

  • The token is a unique concept in the magical world as the tammer seems to be the only creature we are aware of that uses an object with these qualifications as part of its magical abilities. In addition, the word ‘gift’ may be a bit misleading, as a tammer can generally use anything that was given by the recipient to another living being, even if it is not what we would conventionally consider a gift. Whatever magical properties exist in the giving of a token from one individual to another such that it triggers the tammer’s natural abilities is a subject that I truly believe deserves further research. My hypothesis is that there is some sort of empathic energy that is imbued in objects given as gifts, and that this energy is unique from person to person. This might also explain their ability to locate those with whom they have a connection even without the use of a token.

    We see evidence of this sort of empathic connection elsewhere in the magical world as in some rare cases witches and wizards possess the ability to sense and influence the emotions of others (I myself posess such abilities). In addition, there is the amustelid, who has very strong empathic powers and seems to form connections with other living beings that allow it to maintain its empathic connection over great distances. I would very much like to test this theory but have yet to come up with a good idea as to the method.

Conduit Hare

Michael MacWolff


Cryptologic Name: Silvilagus transveho
Planar Origin
: Mithyrea
Habitat: Temperate fields and forests
Diet: Herbivorous

Conduit rabbits, better known as “portal bunnies,” are nearly identical in size, shape, and morphology to cottontail rabbits with white, black, brown, or multicolored fur. The way to visually distinguish this magical creature from its nonmagical counterparts is to look at the rabbit’s nose. Conduit rabbits will have brightly colored noses, most often either blue or orange, and they will glow faintly. These glowing noses are the source of their magical abilities. Conduit rabbits are always born in pairs; the twins are not always identical in fur coloration, but they will always have noses of different colors.

Magical Abilities
When a conduit rabbit touches something with its nose, this activates its magical powers and causes the object to vanish and reappear in the vicinity of its twin. Both rabbits’ noses flash brightly when this power activates, which leads researchers to believe that the constant faint glow from these rabbits’ noses may be due to a steady transmission of dust and other particles that come into contact with them.


When a conduit hare’s power activates, transmission is not altogether instantaneous, generally taking anywhere from 1-3 seconds for the vanished object to reappear. Unfortunately, we don’t have a clear understanding of why this is, or what’s happening to the object/living thing during teleportation. Many studies have been done to attempt to understand this phenomenon, but tracking spells are ineffective at establishing a location during transmission, and when people have allowed themselves to be teleported, their perception always seems to be that the travel was instantaneous. This suggests that the subject of the teleportation “loses” those few seconds as part of the process.

These rabbits are immune to their own powers, so scratching their noses doesn’t cause them to teleport to their twin, nor will they teleport when touching the nose of another rabbit.

Just as with their appearance, their behavior mimics that of nonmagical rabbits as well. They are prey animals so they tend to be cautious but will become curious and playful when they are in comfortable surroundings.

In the wild, these rabbits will often use their powers as a defense mechanism against predators, as sudden teleportation is generally quite disorienting for any would-be attacker. This strategy does potentially put the rabbit’s twin in some danger, however we believe that they can sense, in some manner, what sort of thing is being teleported to them, and as such can take measures to escape if it is something dangerous. This is similarly relevant when the set of twins is close to one another, in a spatial sense.

Field Notes

  • The practical use of conduit rabbits by mages is fairly straightforward, offering an easy, near-instantaneous transportation system between two fixed points. However, despite this seemingly ubiquitous method of transportation, they are very infrequently used in such a manner by any who are not well-versed in cryptozoology. The imprecision of the teleportation is the first major concern, as the exit point of the teleportation is seemingly random. Objects appear in the vicinity of the sender’s twin, but this “vicinity” encompasses approximately 1.5-2m radius around the rabbit, meaning you could end up appearing reasonably high in the air. Thankfully an object has never been known to reappear in the ground or in another nearby object upon arrival. The biggest concern is the potential for a hard fall upon arrival, which makes the transport of people and fragile goods somewhat precarious.

    There does seem to be a correlation between the size of the object/living thing being teleported and how close it ends up to the receiving rabbit, though not enough research has yet been done to develop any sort of mathematical prediction model based on size or mass. There also seems to be an upper limit on the size of thing being teleported. As such, large objects such as cars, buildings, etc. would never be at risk of suddenly appearing and crushing anyone nearby.

  • If it is in fact the case that this time is lost during transmission via a conduit hare, theoretically this could offer a route to immortality via constant teleportation. Obviously, this is not a practical option given the necessity to continuously teleport between rabbits and inability to do anything else productive during the process, but the possibility does at least exist in a theoretical context. Perhaps it would be better stated that this offers a route more akin to time travel than immortality.