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Hello, my name is Michael MacWolff, and this is my research partner, Tsu’mat.
As fellow cryptozoologists and long-time friends, we have been working
together to expand the knowledge of the cryptozoological community, help protect these amazing and unique species, and foster a sense of caring and curiosity for magical creatures in the greater population.

Below is our collective field guide, which is updated with new creatures periodically, but sometimes peripheral information is added as well, you can find all of my supplemental field notes, here ==>

Included here are creatures from a variety of sources including folklore, mythology, fandom, and my own imagination. Please understand this is a fictitious work, and these are my own take on these creatures. While their designs and abilities take inspiration from things like folklore and mythology, this should not be used as an academic source for either topic.

Follow me on Instagram @mikeydoescosplay to see a (not quite) weekly creature feature under #magicalmenageriemonday


Cryptozoological Field Guide