Outfitting a Witch of the Wilds
Michael MacWolff
Hey folks, quick entry here today with some fun props I just finished! I've been working on a prop set for a friend who is cosplaying Morrigan from Dragon Age. I was asked to make a staff and a necklace for her and I just wanted to show off a few photos. Enjoy!
This is the necklace base, with the pearl strand on the desk which will be added later
Here's the main pendant and some other dangly bits
Some paint and the pendant is looking better!
Here's all the gold pieces on the base. They're actually cut popsicle sticks which were painted gold!
Put it all together and you have a beautiful necklace
The staff started with a big branch and a bunch of little branches... and some tin foil and masking tape. Don't judge the jankiness, just wait til you see how it turned out!
Add some worbla and we're in business!
Slap some paint on it ant it looks like a stick.... again... but at least it's the right shaped stick now
The last detail is the red string around the top, and voila! Finished staff!