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Filtering by Tag: TWEWY

Happy 2019!

Michael MacWolff

Hey everyone, hope you all had a fun and safe time ringing in the new year! Since I still have minimal new projects progress to share (but I will soon, I promise!) I thought I’d take a look back at my 2018 cosplays. This was a big year for me for a couple of reasons, I definitely expanded my horizons this year and I’ve grown a lot as a crafter. 2018 also marked my 10-year cosplay anniversary! That’s right folks, I’ve officially been cosplaying for a whole decade! It’s amazing that you can be doing something for that long and still be learning and growing in your craft.

My first cosplay of the year really highlights that. I’m referring to my favorite member of the Fire Emblem A**hole Archer Squad: Innes.

I really need to do an actual photoshoot in this cosplay because this is the only good photo I have of him where I’m not hunting dinosaurs *facepalm*

I really need to do an actual photoshoot in this cosplay because this is the only good photo I have of him where I’m not hunting dinosaurs *facepalm*

Ohayocon has become kind of a weird convention for me cosplay-wise, because my usual folks who I tend to cosplay with don’t always make many plans for Ohayo, it tends to be our chill con and I’m perfectly happy with that, because it usually means I can work on something personal over the winter that doesn’t rely on anyone else (because we all know how much of a whore I am for cosgroups). Innes was that personal project this year and I have to say, it is probably my most well-made cosplay to date. The amount of time and effort that went into the elaborate applique, the trim that I had to attach entirely by hand, the gold filigree on the belts and breastplate, and of course the construction of Nidhogg, made for a lot of work but I am so pleased with the result. Innes has been a favorite character of mine since playing FE:SS and when he was released in FEH with an even more foppish design I decided it was finally time to make this cosplay a reality. It’s also surprisingly comfy with is great because I can hang out at con in it all day without wanting to die (a sentiment that is not shared with my two other major cosplays from this year).

My second project was a good bit simpler but was also a blast to make and wear: Mordred from Fate/Apocrypha. This cosplay came together kinda last minute when I discovered RiteoftheFrozen was coming up for Colossal and wanted to cosplay Astolfo. Since they don’t live in the area any more I seized my chance to make a good excuse to hang out with them a bunch at the con by making Mordred (who I already kinda wanted to cosplay anyway because a Fate cosplay was way overdue).

RiteoftheFrozen is the Astolfo we all need in our lives

RiteoftheFrozen is the Astolfo we all need in our lives

The cosplay itself was super simple, and I thrifted everything but the jacket which I had to order online. I even got a prestyled wig because I really don’t enjoy styling wigs and it turned out great! I did have to do some work but I’m gonna do that whenever I can now, assuming I ever pick another character that’s mainstream enough to find one.

The major build for Mordred was of course the sword: Clarent Blodod Arthur. I have a lot of fun making swords, they’re one of my favorite type of prop to make and this one turned out beautifully. I even had the fortune of meeting Erica Lindbeck, who voices Mordred, at Matsuricon later in the year and had her sign the sword! She was super cool and as I was leaving she said Mordred’s opening line from the show and I just about died because I was not at all prepared for it.


Matsuricon was also a debut for another major cosplay project: Vaida from FE:BS. This was my first attempt at sculpting a breastplate out of EVA foam and it worked out surprisingly well!


The best part of this was having our huge Blazing Sword Group and getting to work with Cosplay In Black and White, who as you can see take beautiful photos!

Priscilla: ollyodd_cosplay Eliwood: kobblecosplay Lloyd: vmcosplay Hector: ? Lyn: dia.dove Serra: nekoyasha Erk: kazeninja Florina: mecchan_chan Nino: mint_amethyst  Lucius: styleshinjuku

Priscilla: ollyodd_cosplay
Eliwood: kobblecosplay
Lloyd: vmcosplay
Hector: ?
Lyn: dia.dove
Serra: nekoyasha
Erk: kazeninja
Florina: mecchan_chan
Nino: mint_amethyst
Lucius: styleshinjuku

This photoshoot was insanely fun and I got to meet a bunch of awesome people who I will hopefully get to cosplay with again in the future!

My last big project for the year was for another big group and it was definitely something different than I’ve constructed in the past. I’m talking about Frankenstein’s Monster from Fate/Apocrypha.
The wedding dress was definitely a first for me but it came out surprisingly well! A lot of trial and error went into the pattern, the crinoline, the giant mace, and pretty much every other aspect of the cosplay, but it came together and I am super happy with the result! This was another great time to hang out with other awesome cosplayers and work with a fantastic photographer (Robert Tate photography)

I still can’t get over how beautiful this photo is

I still can’t get over how beautiful this photo is

Mordred: candlewaxcosplay Jack: holy.grail Shiro Amakusa: emma_the_fantastic  Semiramis: nekoyasha Seig: tomoyoichijouji    Astolfo: nihopalaoa    Seigfried: fang_soul 

Mordred: candlewaxcosplay
Jack: holy.grail
Shiro Amakusa: emma_the_fantastic 
Semiramis: nekoyasha
Seig: tomoyoichijouji 
Astolfo: nihopalaoa 
Seigfried: fang_soul 

2018 really was a great year for cosgroups, between the ones involving my new cosplays, and even a few involving older cosplays! Tekko had another great FE: Blazing Sword group where I got to dust off Guy and get some lovely photos with the talented Cosfame - Cosplay Photographer.

Lyn: chattyanzud Hector: marjolycookie Eliwood & Ninian: Raptors in Rhythm Nils Light Inheritor Florina: mecchan_chan

Lyn: chattyanzud
Hector: marjolycookie
Eliwood & Ninian: Raptors in Rhythm
Nils Light Inheritor
Florina: mecchan_chan

I also got to bust out my favorite lazy reaper for a partner duo with SMZeldaRules and do a great photoshoot with Headphone Studios


And last, but certainly not least, I was involved in yet more Fire Emblem shenanigans with a return of King Ashnard to Youma 2018.


So all in all I had a lot of fun this year and I hope all of you did too. I’m going to be doing some updating this week, particularly with my con schedule for the year, and I might put together a 2019 cosplans post soon too… not to mention that Ohayocon is next weekend and I have no idea what I’m doing for it yet x_x

Anyway, may your 2019 be blessed, love you all and Happy New Year!!!

Lollipop Lollipop oh Lolli Lolli Lolli

Michael MacWolff

Excuse the dumb name but that's what my brain does.
I have fantastic news, we got photos back from SMZeldaRules and my private TWEWY shoot with Headphone Studios! They came out so well I'm so excited, and we all need more TWEWY in our lives. Now presented with minimal commentary:

This might be the most badass I've ever looked in Kariya

This might be the most badass I've ever looked in Kariya

This one is hands down my favorite solo shot. The lighting is so cool and for once I don't look super goofy with the lollipop in my mouth XD

This one is hands down my favorite solo shot. The lighting is so cool and for once I don't look super goofy with the lollipop in my mouth XD


Headphone Studios was such a pleasure to work with, she gave great direction and the photos speak for themselves! I definitely hope I have the opportunity to work with her in the future. And of course the wonderful SMZeldaRules always brings her A game and I'm so glad we got to do this together since we don't get a chance to cosplay together very often! 

'Sup Players

Michael MacWolff

That's right, it's Thursday again and I thought it made the most sense to throwback to the reaper who greets you on this blog every visit, Koki 'Lollipop' Kariya.

The World Ends With You is definitely a game that's made a huge impact on my life and anyone whose played it has probably had a similar experience. I actually first heard about this game at MBLGTACC, which is the Midwest Bisexual, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, and Ally (and everyone else in the alphabet soup) College Conference at a panel about LGBT representation in video games. In that panel I heard about Joshua, who was pinned as being an openly gay character. Since it was one of the few games addressed in the panel that was actually on a system I owned, I decided to buy it the next time I was at GameStop.

Boy am I glad I did. Besides the amazing storytelling, the wonderful characters, the awesome art direction and music, and the interesting game mechanics, I thought the viewpoints expressed by the characters and the lessons about life and human interaction were really intriguing and spoke to me as a person. I could definitely relate to the loner attitude of Neku and his blossoming into a fully-realized kid (it reminded me a bit of Cloud from FF7). I loved the unique personalities in the cast and the heart-wrenching moments (SPOILER ALERT: I definitely cried when Rhyme was erased by the shark noise). This game was so impactful that I even got a pair of reaper wings permanently affixed on my body.


So it didn't take long to decide I wanted to cosplay from this game, and while I loved pretty much every character in the game, there was an obvious choice for me: the lollipop-loving, under-motivated harrier reaper that can kick some serious butt. And to top it off, he's a ginger so my thoughts at the start were that I wouldn't need a wig. Which, while not a terrible idea, I'm very glad I did get a real wig for him.

Definitely a rad reaper but my hair is not nearly as fiery as the real thing.

Definitely a rad reaper but my hair is not nearly as fiery as the real thing.

I debuted my Kariya costume at Ohayocon 2011, but it wasn't until Colossalcon later that year that I really got into the groove with this character. Much like Edgeworth, I associate Kariya with a lot of great friendships that I still maintain today, and Colossalcon 2011 is where a lot of those started. Shout out to Kaishun, Genki, Droguza, Daruchai, Legendarie, Rightfulkinginigo, Andrew, and all the other wonderful TWEWY cosplayers that have made being the sassiest reaper around so much fun.

Rightfulkinginigo is the greatest partner a guy could ask for!

Rightfulkinginigo is the greatest partner a guy could ask for!

Another lovely part about Kariya is it's pretty much normal clothing so it's super comfortable. Ok, the wings sometimes make it hard to get through doors, but the rest of the outfit I can wear all day and not have any cramps, bruises, or blisters (unlike some of my more elaborate costumes).

Apparently I'm the only one who like suckers... BJ is not impressed.

Apparently I'm the only one who like suckers... BJ is not impressed.

The best part about this awesome group of folks is the ridiculous fun I have when I'm with them. We're not afraid of shipping (which there are lots of great pairs in this game), and we pretty much just goof around which leads to some fantastic candid shots.

TWEWY dance par-tay!

TWEWY dance par-tay!

I don't even know...

I don't even know...

Some time soon I'd love to get the whole gang back together, and we have high ambitions to do a full reaper cast, which would be awesome. Really, I wish there were more TWEWY in my life because the game, the fandom, and the cosplayers are all wonderful.

Keep it real, players. And don't work too hard.
With much love & til next time,
