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Here's where the magic happens. I'll be posting about all of my experiences and experiments (both failed and successful ones), introducing you to my costumes, sharing fun stories, linking tutorials and useful products, and who knows what else!


Hang Onto Your Shorts!

Michael MacWolff

Hey everyone, not too much to report post-Youmacon as my commission load is rather light at the moment, but I did want to show off what I have been working on! I was commissioned for several Chrono Trigger items, all of which I’m super stoked to be doing!

First up is Lucca Ashtear’s helmet and blaster!


For the helmet, I used a baseball cap to pattern the cap bit on top, and used craft/EVA foam for the gold parts. The thicker sections are made from the EVA foam floor tiles. The studs all over it are round pearl embellishments from the scrapbooking section (which I got super cheap when Pat Catan’s was closing, bonus!!) I used wire for the antenna and the microphone, using worbla to reinforce several parts of the microphone. The big round gem/orb thing on the side is half of a clear plastic ornament; pro-tip, if you’re using one of these paint the inside! It make it so the paint literally can’t be damaged, and you get a nice, smooth, shiny outside surface! With all of that, I used Plasti-Dip to seal everything (except the gem, I attached that after the fact) and painted it!


The gun was made in layers to get all of the details. The center layer is MDF (I believe .25”), then there’s a layer of hard board on either side, then layers of EVA and craft foam to flesh out the rest of the contouring. The barrel is a slice of cardboard tube and the round bubble-like piece is a resin gem I cast a while back that I happen to have two of. They were the right size and shape so they fit the bill!


As you can see a good bit of dremeling went into she shaping, since most of the sections of the gun are rounded.


And at last you can see the two finished pieces together!


I still have two more pieces to complete, but they are both jewelry so they will be smaller and somewhat simpler, but hopefully no less awesome!! As always, you can follow my instagram @mikeydoescosplay to get updates as they happen! I have a vending even coming up in a couple of weeks so you probably won’t see too much new cosplay stuff until after that’s over.