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Here's where the magic happens. I'll be posting about all of my experiences and experiments (both failed and successful ones), introducing you to my costumes, sharing fun stories, linking tutorials and useful products, and who knows what else!


Filtering by Tag: ace attorney

Blacker than a moonless night, hotter and more bitter than hell itself...

Michael MacWolff

Welcome to another throwback thursday! This time, we're going to have some fun with that sultry prosecutor, Godot!


Godot was actually my first Ace Attorney, and I made him primarily because i have a good friend who cosplayed Mia Fey. He unfortunately got left behind once I started cosplaying Miles Edgeworth, however, because I adore that frilly man so pretty much any time I want to cosplay from AA, I'm going to choose Edgeworth over Godot.

Maybe you should keep your claws out, and show them what you've got... Kitten.

Maybe you should keep your claws out, and show them what you've got... Kitten.

It seemed silly to only cosplay Godot, when Diego Armando is pretty much the same cosplay with a few alterations. The vest is exactly the same, which was the only part of the costume I actually had to make besides the mask. It helped that I also already had a wig that would work well enough.

The best part about Ace Attorney cosplay is that all of the chatacters wear fairly normal clothing, so it's all comfy and was pretty easy to thrift most of it and construct the leftover bits. The biggest pain was the vest, because I couldn't find one that worked, nor could I find suiting fabric that was right, so I had to pinstripe the fabric myself. It was a pain in the ass but it turned out really well.

Did you forget already? In my world, the color red doesn't exist. These must be… my tears.

Did you forget already? In my world, the color red doesn't exist. These must be… my tears.

Interestingly enough, I had a moment while wearing it where this quote was relevant. I was at Ohayocon and there was a table where another convention was advertising. On the there was a white board with information written in marker, but I couldn't see any of it because it was written in red. I asked my friend a question about it and she was like "it says so right there" and pointed at the seemingly blank sign. It was a pretty perfectly unintentional in-character moment.


Because of the style of Ace Attorney, it was really easy to get a lot of good shots, because there are plenty of easy reference poses to follow. The spit take was one of my favorites to try and photograph because I basically had to spit water everywhere about 10 times before we got a good one. Sadly, it wasn't until much later that we realized I should have been using Coke or some other colored liquid. Oh well, at least it still came out pretty well.



And of course i had to end with my favorite photo because it is just too perfect with the flash reflection lining up the way it did. This was of course entirely unintentional.

And there's Godot. I'm actually selling the bits I have left (the mask died a while ago) so you might see him around, but I won't be the one wearing him.

Post-Colossal Revue

Michael MacWolff

Hey folks! Colossalcon was a whirlwind as always, and unfortunately with as busy as my life tends to be of course I had to leave early which meant I didn't get to spend as much time with my wonderful con friends as I would have liked, but such is life.

Still, I got to meet some awesome new people who I will hopefully be able to cosplay with in the future! The bulk of my photos are up on my facebook page and it seems silly to double-post too many things, but I did want to show off the stuff of note!

Thursday I got in and immediately stumbled upon the Pokemon photoshoot and managed to find the only existing photo of my Ramos cosplay with all of its proper pieces, courtesy of Shadow Wolf Creative Photography (besides my little Gogoat who sadly broke as soon as I got out of the car on Thursday).

Friday was fun, I started out in Aang, making it to the Avatar/Korra shoot, though I don't have much in the way of photos since I was in most of them and being lazy about taking them when I wasn't. Then in the afternoon I transitioned to Edgeworth, but not before getting horribly sunburned >_<
Again, I managed to stumble across a shoot completely by accident so here's some Ace Attorneys! Again, there aren't a ton of photos since I was in about half of them.

For Saturday, I geared up in Aang again and had my cousin/husband team with me! It was lots of fun having a big group and we got lots of photos taken of us.

we're hoping to get the crew together again some time soon since we didn't get to spend too much time hanging out on Saturday.

Now I thankfully get a bit of a reprieve as I don't have too many orders that need to be filled immediately, though I do have an event this weekend in Strongsville, so anyone local should come visit!


Michael MacWolff

So my intention is for most of what goes into this blog to be new stuff, but I figure Throwback Thursday is a great way to introduce some of the stuff I've already made & debuted.

So welcome to Round 1 with my very favorite prosecutor: Miles Edgeworth.

While he may not have been my first Ace Attorney cosplay, Edgeworth definitely holds a special place in my heart. I've been madly in love with this fluttery, foppish, snooty man since I first met him in Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney.

The perfect prosecutor (at least before Franziska appears on the scene), Edgeworth first comes off as a cold-hearted, arrogant know-it-all, and let's be honest, he really is. But as the story unfolds, you learn more about his history and he slowly becomes the cuddly, lovable man who clearly has a special place in his heart for our blunderous title character, Phoenix.

One of the first cosplay friends I made was himself a Phoenix cosplayer, and this in part motivated me to ultimately make an Edgeworth outfit (<3 you Rion). And it's actually the Ace Attorney cosplay community that has become my favorite cosplay group because there's so much personality among the characters and the cosplayers. Also, I feel like we have the most fun with out photoshoots. People are almost always up for anything because everyone is really passionate about the series. That's where we get lovely shipping pictures, goofy crime scenes, having the entire cosplay group briefly causing a fire hazard (I have many fond memories cowering in fear on the floor of that elevator), and Gumshoe submitting himself before me.

Besides making so many awesome friends, becoming a known member of the community was incredibly satisfying. It was the first time I'd really gotten any recognition for any of my costumes, and coming from other such great cosplayers it meant a lot. 


Construction-wise, Edgeworth is not exactly the best costume in the world, it certainly isn't going to win any craftsmanship competitions. I am pretty proud of myself for how I put it together though. First of all, it's made from satin... which if I walked around in a satin suit that would look even more ridiculous that Edgeworth should. That's why I used the wrong side of the fabric. It has just the right amount of sheen to it without being too shiny. The pattern I actually found at the thrift store, in the form of a suit jacket and pants. I ripped all the seams, traced the pieces onto the fabric, and put it all back together in the same manner I pulled the original apart. I even managed to use the lining of the original jacket. While I might not have done the best job of this the first time, it is a great way to create patterns for costume pieces if you don't know much about draping. The part of the costume I'd like the most to replace is the wig... it was my very first attempt at cutting and styling a wig and... you can really tell. Fortunately, I commissioned a new wig from a friend of mine so hopefully by the next time I wear it, I'll have a lovely new one!

So, to make a long story short, I adore this costume and I need to wear it again soon, as it's been far too long. So, fellow cosplayers, ta ta for now, and in the Ace Attorney spirit, OBJECTION!