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Filtering by Tag: genderbend

Secret Cosplay: Revealed! (And Tekko Stuff)

Michael MacWolff

Well folks, it's time for the big reveal! Ok, I know most of you guys already saw it on Facebook and/or Twitter but whatever. Here he is, the adorable dancing child of the forest: Hestu!

Not what you were expecting? Most people weren't, but if you think about it, can you come up with a more appropriate character for me to cosplay?

  • He lives in the forest
  • He dances a bunch
  • He's super cheerful
  • He helps the hero in exchange for stuff from the forest
  • He sings and makes goofy noises
  • He is a tree

Yes, there are a metric shitton of awesome characters in this game and I want to cosplay about half of them, but Hestu was decidedly ahead in the ranking. Here's how he turned out:


I had a ton of fun wearing him around on Saturday, and got a great response. A bunch of people asked to video me doing his dance, which of course I agreed to. I can't wait to see some of the photos/videos and I also can't wait to wear this again at another con. After going back to my friend's apartment saturday evening, we did a little shoot in the courtyard, here's the result:

I even made special little business cards to hand out to people, which I ran out in maybe an hour, so I need to print about 5x as many for next time. They were little inventory expansion cards with random melee weapons, shields, and ranged weapons on them.

Now I need to figure out who's next... well, I pretty much know who's next since I've already started on Bolson, but I have a bunch more that I'd like to do that will be significantly more intricate and time-consuming... or potentially just not possible with my current set of skills (I'm looking at you, fish prince). Anyway, I'm looking forward to cosplaying more from this game because it was phenominal. Oh yeah, I found a Link and a Zelda who were both awesome and got my picture with them.

I also debuted a second costume at Tekko, which is the first time I've done two new ones for a single con in quite some time. It wasn't really intended either, but I was working on my genderbent Penny for Colossal, and just happened to have it done way early so I figured "why not?" It was nice and comfy, and relatively normal clothing, so I actually wore it friday & sunday, and drove to & from Pittsburgh in it.

I'm looking forward to wearing it again at Colossal, with my husband as Ruby! Except that it means I need to make another Crescent Rose by then.... oi. I haven't really even started his costume yet but fortunately I still have time and my Colossalcon commissions are reasonably light compared to usual.

So yeah, Tekko was awesome! If you'd like to see the rest of my photos, just check out my Tekko Album on FB.  I'm super pumped about everything right now between more cosplay stuff and Persona 5 taking up all of my free time, so I'm going to sign off and go do that stuff, ciao!