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Filtering by Tag: secret cosplay

Secret Cosplay: Revealed! (And Tekko Stuff)

Michael MacWolff

Well folks, it's time for the big reveal! Ok, I know most of you guys already saw it on Facebook and/or Twitter but whatever. Here he is, the adorable dancing child of the forest: Hestu!

Not what you were expecting? Most people weren't, but if you think about it, can you come up with a more appropriate character for me to cosplay?

  • He lives in the forest
  • He dances a bunch
  • He's super cheerful
  • He helps the hero in exchange for stuff from the forest
  • He sings and makes goofy noises
  • He is a tree

Yes, there are a metric shitton of awesome characters in this game and I want to cosplay about half of them, but Hestu was decidedly ahead in the ranking. Here's how he turned out:


I had a ton of fun wearing him around on Saturday, and got a great response. A bunch of people asked to video me doing his dance, which of course I agreed to. I can't wait to see some of the photos/videos and I also can't wait to wear this again at another con. After going back to my friend's apartment saturday evening, we did a little shoot in the courtyard, here's the result:

I even made special little business cards to hand out to people, which I ran out in maybe an hour, so I need to print about 5x as many for next time. They were little inventory expansion cards with random melee weapons, shields, and ranged weapons on them.

Now I need to figure out who's next... well, I pretty much know who's next since I've already started on Bolson, but I have a bunch more that I'd like to do that will be significantly more intricate and time-consuming... or potentially just not possible with my current set of skills (I'm looking at you, fish prince). Anyway, I'm looking forward to cosplaying more from this game because it was phenominal. Oh yeah, I found a Link and a Zelda who were both awesome and got my picture with them.

I also debuted a second costume at Tekko, which is the first time I've done two new ones for a single con in quite some time. It wasn't really intended either, but I was working on my genderbent Penny for Colossal, and just happened to have it done way early so I figured "why not?" It was nice and comfy, and relatively normal clothing, so I actually wore it friday & sunday, and drove to & from Pittsburgh in it.

I'm looking forward to wearing it again at Colossal, with my husband as Ruby! Except that it means I need to make another Crescent Rose by then.... oi. I haven't really even started his costume yet but fortunately I still have time and my Colossalcon commissions are reasonably light compared to usual.

So yeah, Tekko was awesome! If you'd like to see the rest of my photos, just check out my Tekko Album on FB.  I'm super pumped about everything right now between more cosplay stuff and Persona 5 taking up all of my free time, so I'm going to sign off and go do that stuff, ciao!


Michael MacWolff

So any of you who follow me on facebook know I'm planning to debut a new [Secret Cosplay] at Tekko this weekend, and you probably also know it's something from Breath of the Wild, which I have been playing the crap out of... well, at least until this week when Persona 5 came out and I traded up. Don't worry, I didn't abandon BotW halfway through, I did in fact beat Ganon and complete the main quest and I have every intention of going back at some point and trying to complete all the sidequests, shrines, and Korok puzzles. I will likely be using a guide at that point (at least for the Koroks) because there are 900 of them and while I am a pretty patient person, I don't think I could do it without one.

Anyway, here's the hints available for my [Secret Cosplay]:

  1. It's from Breath of the Wild
  2. I will be carrying props
  3. I am fairly important to the game, and you meet me early on, so pretty much anyone who's been playing should recognize me

If you feel like guessing, you're welcome to. Perhaps you will win some Mikey Points if you get it right, but I suppose I only left you a couple of days to do that before I debut it. Oops, sorry about that.


In other news, those Cantina Band instruments are done so you should check those out!

That's all for now, folks! Tekko is this weekend so I'll definitely be putting up a new post next week with photos from the con, including the big reveal! Until then, stay cool.

Gardening Tools

Michael MacWolff

Congrats to Kaze for determining the identity of my newest Secret Cosplay! You win 30 Mikey Points (MP) for guessing it on round 3. This is not Whose Line is it Anyway; I promise that I am in fact keeping track and those will become relevant at a point in the future when more than just one person has some.

For those of you who missed the revelation, I am cosplaying the adorable gardening gym leader Ramos from Pokemon X&Y!

 I kind of want to do an alternate younger version of him too and use my real hair/facial hair because despite the wierd-ass accent in the show, I maintain the headcanon that he is obviously an old Scottish groundskeeper who was a ginger before…

 I kind of want to do an alternate younger version of him too and use my real hair/facial hair because despite the wierd-ass accent in the show, I maintain the headcanon that he is obviously an old Scottish groundskeeper who was a ginger before his hair turned white and who is voiced by Sean Connery and no one can convince me otherwise.

Why Ramos, you ask? Well, besides the fact that he's an adorable old man, he was also my favorite gym leader in X&Y, and I get to make a giant pair of fancy garden shears (which are the most impractical thing I've ever seen if you were going to actually try to use them for pruning things). Top it off with my love of nature, plants and gardening (and grass type pokemon by extension), and he's a great fit for me. It's also fairly light on the actual intricacy of the costume, making it doable for my original deadline: Tekko in Pittsburgh, which is actually this weekend! (though I may or may not actually be wearing him, we'll see about that).

While I haven't worn the full costume yet, I do have some photos of all of the pieces, so take a look!

Those gloves were a royal pain in my ass, but they look nice :-)

Those gloves were a royal pain in my ass, but they look nice :-)

This was my first test run after I finished the scissors but I didn't have all of the other pieces done yet.

This was my first test run after I finished the scissors but I didn't have all of the other pieces done yet.

As you can see, I made one legit Plant Badge for myself, but I also made a bunch of buttons with the Plant Badge on it that I can actually give to people. My intention is to give them to people in exchange for either a) taking selfies with me, b) challenging me to a pokemon battle, or c) just being generally awesome and deserving of one.
I do actually intend to have my 3DS on me at all times in this costume and having an all grass-type team ready to go. Because I am a super nerd and things like that amuse me, and will hopefully amuse others too.

With any luck I'll have photos of the full costume up soon whether I take Ramos to Tekko this weekend or not. And as for why I might not, I'm already shaving my head to have Nux & Furiosa make a comeback, so I'd like to take the available opportunity to wear Tenzin.
In the event that I don't get photos of him this weekend (and really, he should have a natural background being a gardener/grass gym leader rather than the cityscape anyway), I plan to organize a photoshoot for him at either the Cleveland Botanical Gardens or in my parent's back yard (cause my mom also has an awesome garden).