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Filtering by Tag: tales of symphonia

Twin Con Time

Michael MacWolff

So I finally have a moment to reflect on my past two weekends worth of cons: Youma and Con on the Cob. Both of them were a lot of fun and I'm excited to share all of the great stuff with you guys.

So let's start with Youma. I debuted my first RWBY cosplay, Yatsuhashi!

Of course I had my Coco with me the entire time because why wouldn't I? We generally hang out together for the whole con anyway. We were also the only two Team CFVY cosplayers at the photoshoot which was kinda sad but also pretty awesome. We did, however meet another genderbent Coco cosplayer who had a gun that actually transformed! It was pretty freaking awesome!

Sadly the photo is not entirely in focus, but you can still see how amazing that thing is!

Sadly the photo is not entirely in focus, but you can still see how amazing that thing is!

We also made friends with a Ozpin's crew, who all had really nice looking cosplays and were fun to hang out with for a while.

Unfortunately, I didn't get any photos of the actual shoot, but someone posted a bunch in their Facebook Album.

Saturday was BIRBCON, where we had a crap ton of bird laguz (along with a branded mage and a cat) for a very special photoshoot. There are only a few photos of us available right now, since we had a professional photographer do a photoshoot with us so it'll be a bit before we'll be seeing the final results, but you can see a bunch of us here, and I can at least share this photo we took.

One of the most exciting things was that we found A SECOND REYSON! She was not even aware beforehand that we were doing a Tellius shoot until we saw her in her Reyson cosplay Friday afternoon and invited her to join us, and I'm so glad she did! We also miraculously met someone who said that she and her friend were wanting to do Janaff & Ulki next year. So Youma may just become yearly Birbcon if this keeps up!

The other awesome thing is that a bunch of us ended up in this other photographer's video! You can see the video here, and look out around 2:20 to see a few laguz strutting their stuff!

Later on I changed into Yuan from Tales of Symphonia. Now what you guys should know is that this was actually one of my earliest cosplays, and it was an experiment for how to draft patterns (with the help of my magnanimous mother). Now, despite having had this costume for near a decade at this point, I've never actually worn it to a convention before, so I figured with the interesting architecture available as a backdrop, it would be a good time to dust off this sadly forgotten cosplay and finally wear him out & about to be appreciated! I did not, unfortunately, have time to fix up his swallow (as one of my first props, it was primarily duct tape, and I never even finished painting it >_<), but he nevertheless made his appearance at the Ren Cen.

I also got to step into the Saturday Tales of shoot, though there was not much Symphonia representation (75% of the people were from Zestiria or however you spell that). And I got to deliver my friend's Sailor Pluto staff, and she looked AMAZING in her cosplay!

Last up for the weekend was another new costume I managed to put together at the last minute. I wanted something warm, comfortable, and easy enough to wear around on a con Sunday, so I made Banjo, with my little plush partner, Kazooie!

I actually got recognized more than I was expecting to in this outfit, which was very exciting. The only downside is that I ordered the shorts a little small so I couldn't do fleece pants for the legs, they're just fleece leggings so they kept falling down as I walked around #cosplayproblems

Anyway, there were lots of awesome cosplayers there and I got some decent photos, which you can see in my Youmacon Facebook Album. Sorry, but I don't feel like taking the 3 hours it would take to upload them here haha.

So that was Youma, and this past weekend was Con on the Cob! I did a lot less cosplaying, as per usual I mainly went in steampunk gear since I was vending with my mom. Check out the table!

We did pretty well despite the weekend having felt pretty slow. And as for my outfits...

As I said, I did primarily steampunk, with a piratey look on Friday and my new kilt on Saturday! I did mix it up on Sunday for clean up though, since having a bunch of dangly things when you're trying to pack up all of your junk can be annoying. So instead I showed a little house pride and wore my Hufflepuff uniform.

And that's all she wrote! As for the rest of 2016, I only have one more event, which I'm vending at. I'll be wearing some wizarding gear as it the Yule Ball, hosted up in Cleveland, which is at the beginning of December. Otherwise I'll be putting my nose to the grindstone on my multitude of winter orders, so stay tuned for the lineup & the steady progress that will be trickling through!

Hello, ladies.

Michael MacWolff

Hello dearies! First of all, sorry about my absence this past week. I've been spending pretty much every waking moment this past week crafting like the wind to get ready for Oddmall this weekend, where I'll be selling some of my fun, nerdy things! If you're in the Cleveland or Akron area you can come check it out and you can actually see a few of my props in person (I plan to have a few up for display to let people know I do commissions).

But enough about that, you're here for the cosplay, so I'd like to take a few moments today to introduce you to my next pink, glimmerous fop of a character: Zelos Wilder!


This costume came about as a direct result of my friendship with a dear cosplaying friend. Now I may have eventually made him otherwise, as I love Tales of Symphonia and I do have a not-so-secret love of ridiculous boys in pink (as well as boys without sleeves...).
I met this lovely young woman several years ago at Ohayocon during an Ace Attorney photoshoot and we hit it off pretty quickly. I quickly discovered our mutual love of Tales of Symphonia, and particularly that she had cosplayed Sheena. Sheena is hands down my favorite character in that game, to the point where nowadays when I am replaying it, I immediately switch to her as my primary character when she joins your party.

We were already both planning on going to Otakon that year, and I now was on a mission to get her to bring her Sheena cosplay so I could see it in person. And how did I sweeten the pot, as it were? I said I'd make a Zelos cosplay to counterpoint her character. Little did I know at the time, but my friend is an even bigger Shelos shipper than I am, so needless to say, this tactic was successful.

We decided that his Masked Swordsman was the outfit to go with for three reasons: 1) Zelos was a popular enough character that I'd seen his normal outfit being cosplayed a lot in my short con-going tenure at that point, 2) Sheena would never be seen in public openly with Zelos so the mask seemed all to appropriate, and 3) I really wanted to make that absurd birthday cake-looking hat!


That summer I was working as a stitcher in the Ohio Light Opera's costume shop which meant that making new cosplays was kind of a bus-man's holiday for me but I was determined to make it happen. It was actually quite convenient too because I could use the shop after hours to work on my costumes (which one of my fellow stitchers/cosplayers also did) and I also had the benefit of being able to discuss the dilemma of making his ridiculous hat with out wigmistress, who was also a wonderful milliner.

Creating this costume was definitely a trial of willpower. I wanted everything nice and shiny so I used a crepe-back satin, which was a lot more difficult to work with than what I was used to, and I used a satin ribbon for all of the trim, but unlike bias tape there is no stretch to it so it was a pain in the ass to edge the round parts of the vest. I also patterned out the hat to fit my head, but didn't take into account the wig so it ended up being a bit small on my head (but I was sure-as-hell not making a new one). The last joy of this tale was in making my sword. I set it outside on the lawn for the paint to dry and left it alone for about 10 minutes, and by the time I returned it had walked off... so I had to make second one.

But despite the issues in production, Zelos was finished and I was ready for Otakon! WE met for the photoshoot and immediately discovered how derpy the Tales of fandom is, so we decided to have our own little photoshoot with just the two of us. And it was glorious!




The culminating moment in our little shoot was that last photo, which embodies the issues I had post-production. Sheena was holding my hat in that photo because as stated before it was too small when I wore my wig and Baltimore is windy so it nearly escaped about 12 times. Also, as I squatted to put her back down, I heard a lovely little *RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIP* and suddenly I was wearing chaps instead of pants.

Thankfully it was just the stitching that had ripped so it was easy enough to repair. It still would be several years before Zelos came out of the closet (tee hee) again and came along to Colossalcon last year. I tried doing his full masked version but the mask was being difficult and the hat refused to stay on my head so in desperation I wore his traditional outfit instead. It actually afforded the chance for some good photos of him as I hadn't gotten any of his normal outfit prior to that. If I decide to wear it again, I'll probably try to make his Exsphere because that was the only bit I was missing.

Well, that's our dear Chosen, and what a joy he was to wear!

Later, ladies.
